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I wasn't one of those people who was given a camera at age five and fell in love with photography.
It just started after I played around with my parents old analog camera as teenager.

I was fascinated about how it is possible to make a beautiful bokeh from an apple hanging at an old tree.

Several years later, I bought my first own camera of my first self owned money after college.
Since that day in 2014 I became hooked on photographing national sceneries during trip all around the world.
Didn't matter if it was a lonely beach in Fakarava, monkeys relaxing on ancient walls in Indonesia or little crustacean climbing on my own hand in Aitutaki.

I believe photography is as much about seeing as it is capturing.​

I prefer to let the photos do the talking so if you wish to know more just ask via, I'd love to hear from you.

PureSilentNature Photography
Niklas Flindt
Ausstellungen & Festivals
Preise & Stipendien 

Thank you!

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